1V-LSD banned in Germany

1V-LSD has been banned in Germany. This comes after their ban on 1P-LSD. It seems as if the German government doesn’t know how the game whack-a-mole works.

You can keep banning Lysergamides, but chemists will find new ways around the ban.

And why not? Germany is an integral part of the Western legal tradition. While the American founders coined the phrase “separation of church and state,” you could argue it began with Germany’s own Martin Luther.

Of course, what do Martin Luther and Protestant Reformation have to do with Germany’s recent ban on 1V-LSD and other research chemicals?

More than you think.

1D-LSD to Replace 1V-LSD

With 1V-LSD now banned in Germany, chemists have created 1D-LSD. This German-legal Lysergamide is available in 225mcg pellets or 150mcg blotters

There’s a silver lining to the German ban, as 1D-LSD is more consistent and producible than either 1P or 1cP-LSD.

Researchers will welcome the highly-strained 1,2-dimethylcyclobutane group. However, crafting this Lysergamide analogue was challenging. And thanks to the efforts of the German government, the wholesale price is about 25% higher than 1V-LSD.

1V-LSD banned in Germany: Why?

Why does the German government (and most governments in general) aim to prohibit research chemicals?

One could argue it’s about public health and safety. But at what point do you recognize your own futility? If new Lysergamide analogues keep popping up despite every effort to ban them, perhaps the problem is the prohibition.

Suppose the German government was adamant about banning the importation and sale of Belgium chocolate. But despite every effort to keep citizens from consuming the products, Germans kept finding ways. 

If public health and safety were the goals, wouldn’t banning chocolate create unsafe conditions? The regulatory apparatus designed to protect consumers won’t exist if Belgium chocolate is illegal. 

So, in this example, far from protecting Germans, the German government would be increasing the risk that the contraband chocolate may be contaminated. That the source will be the black market.

Germans interested in Belgium chocolate would have to go the extra mile to ensure their supply is free from additives or toxic chemicals. Ultimately, the ban would put Germans at greater risk.

You can find high-quality research chemicals like the ones we offer. Or you can buy from unknown, potentially dangerous sources, like a black market. What is best when safety is apparently the priority? You do the math.

Without an official seal of approval, German citizens are left to make their own risk assessments. So much for public health and safety!


What Would Martin Luther Say About 1V-LSD Being Banned in Germany?

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, Europe entered the “dark ages.” Of course, this period wasn’t dark at all. In fact, the foundation for our modern Western legal system finds its origins in this time period.

While most of human history has associated rules with rulers, Europe severed this tie. Over time, Europeans fashioned the idea of an objective “rule of law” above and beyond the State.

Eventually, these ideas would become synthesized in natural law theory. The idea is that human beings have inalienable rights that can be deduced and applied independently of the State.

Martin Luther was a German priest who took this philosophy to heart. Best known as the seminal figure in the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther argued that the Church was engaging in unlawful behaviour.

This was a radical idea. The Church was the State. It was the authority. You could only talk to God through the Catholic Church.

Luther rejected that view. Martin Luther recognized that the Church had no right to claim people’s minds. For him, the Bible was the ultimate authority. 

Today, many chemists recognize that the State has no moral authority to stop or ban specific types of chemical research. For them, science is the ultimate authority. 

1V-LSD banned in Germany: Pushing Back

You have an inalienable right to research chemicals. You can deduce this from your rights as a person. If you’re not violating or interfering with anyone else’s life or property without their consent, then what’s the issue? Who is to say you are not allowed to conduct research? When we have prohibited science and scientific studies/experiments, we have gone too far!

The German government and an army of lobbyists may argue that your individual liberty to research chemicals doesn’t overturn society’s right to ‘‘health and safety’’.

But the harms in researching Lysergamides are entirely speculative. 

We limit the freedom of people to drive cars drunk because there is conclusive evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that drunk drivers cause harm to others.

Where is the evidence that research chemicals are causing harm to anyone? 

Germany’s 1V-LSD ban is an insult to the inalienable rights of individuals. And to the Western legal tradition. The spirit of Martin Luther dies a little more each time Germany bans a new Lysergamide analogue.

Goodbye, 1V-LSD… Hello, 1D-LSD

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