Lab safety

Tips to Improve Your Lab Life

As a chemical researcher, you’re invested in some pretty exciting stuff. Research can be invigorating and exciting, but it can also be stressful and unsettling. If you’re not taking care of yourself and your research area then you might run the risk of experiencing some problems. Learning the ins and outs of lab safety, preserving …

Tips to Improve Your Lab Life Přečtěte si více »

What Constitutes a Correct Scientific Experiment?

What constitutes a correct scientific experiment? That’s a good question, and it’s best to find out the answer before you reach for that Erlenmeyer flask and Bunsen burner to conduct one of your own. Furthermore, not knowing the correct way to conduct an experiment can have ramifications that range anywhere from having your hard work …

What Constitutes a Correct Scientific Experiment? Přečtěte si více »

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